THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT but Fit4Lyfe WILL be representing with one team of four and your team would LOVE your support!
Introducing TEAM FIT4LYFE!
Coach Jason Tocci
Coach Sandy Tocci
Derek Rodriguez
Heath Wagner
10 teams of 4 come together to compete in the first Prostyle OCR competition.
About This Activity
ProStyle Ultimate OCR Team Competition is an event unlike any other. It will challenge you mentally and physically. This OCR team competition will not only test your agility but also your strength yet that alone won't get you to the finish line. It will take a lot of determination and team work to come out a winner.
Event details and schedule
Each team consists of at least one female and one team captain. No team gets through the demanding obstacles or crosses the finish line without working together. From crawls under barbed wire to 400 pound tire flips the competition only gets more challenging as you advance. Each team will have the opportunity to run three different courses. The two teams that finish all three courses in the least amount of time advance to the finals. As teams progress in the competition and the obstacles get more punishing, teamwork is the only way to come out on top.