Whats the HYPE about PRE-WORKOUT meals???
Sandy Tocci
Big big BIG question I get asked ALL the time is regarding WHAT TO EAT before a workout and will it help me perform better???
WELLLLLLL.... I hate to burst your bubble BUT a pre-workout supplement/meal is NOT needed. If you are eating consistently every 2-3 hours, your workout should fall somewhere in between 2 of your meals, allowing you to fuel up before AND after your great workout. Indulging in "extra" calories prior to a workout because we feel we need "somethig" will not only add in more calories BUT now you have to burn off even more during your workout because you're eating in excess to your plan.
Many supplement companies want us to believe that we need this and that but in reality, you do not. If you're fueling up properly throughout the day, the pre-workout meal {aka one of your normal meals} should consist of healthy carbs, fats and protein--- allowing you to be energized and ready to go. If your goals consists of losing weight, adding in "extra" calories before a workout means more to burn, less to lose {get me here?}. Now this does NOT include a preworkout "energy" drink or anything like that; thats a completely different thing here.
It is recommended that you eat no more than 30-minutes prior to your workout; all depending on HOW quickly your digestion works. If you need more time, space it out and make sure you allow yourself to digest the food OR create some delicious shake as one of your meals so that your body can process it quicker. One of my go-to meals in the afternoon prior to my afternoon workouts includes Shakeology+1/2 banana+1 tbsp almond butter+water+ice+BLEND! This fuels me up BUT doesn't make me too full where I can't move.
Now lets not forget that EVERY plan is different and what works for one may not work for another. I normally workout EARLY in the morning and I do not eat anything; this is called a FASTED workout or FASTED cardio. This is what works for me and has been for over a year now. For you, that may not work; and that's OK. Follow your body and allow yourself time to see what works best.
Most importantly, don't overthink and just get to work. Focus on you and your schedule and plan! Find what works and HAVE fun doing it! Good luck!