Join Team Fit4Lyfe's HEALTH BET
Sandy Tocci
You've heard of the diet bet. Well this is a health bet. Beachbody already has $1.5 MILLION in the pot and will contribute to it as people invest in their health and fitness journey with a challenge pack. They will keep investing until the start date or it reaches $3 million (which ever happens first)!
So what that means is when you're in my next challenge group you will get a piece of the money! How much? Depends on how many participate North America wide AND STICK WITH IT!
But who or where can you go and get some money back from investing in you? Yeah no where I know of!
When you sign on with me with your Challenge pack (meaning your program and month supply of Shakeology) you'll get your program for FREE (certain but several programs apply)!!!
If you're wanting in on this next challenge email me ASAP! The free program will only go to the first 5 people! That's it. I can't hold spots.
*4 week course
*support motivation
*pay out from Beachbody
*free program
*free coaching
If you've purchased a challenge pack from me in the past and are still on shakeology you still qualify for this Health Bet and are MORE than welcome to attend this next group with us.
You've got nothing to lose and so much to gain!!!!
*Must be 18+. In USA or Canada. Not currently working with a coach.*
Register Here!